
Simple Solutions For Using Self-Storage For Your Holiday Decor

From Christmas trees and wreaths to ornaments and lights, holiday decorations are most likely taking up a large amount of space in your closets, attic, and garage. If you have an endless amount of holiday décor crammed into your home, consider these simple self-storage solutions. Contain Throwing decorations in boxes and bags is not ideal, since they may break. By choosing the right containers for your Christmas decorations and holiday items, you can keep them safe and organized.

Important Gear To Utilize When Using Self-Storage Units

Self-storage units give you the perfect space for unwanted possessions. They come in multiple sizes and offer exceptional protection. For these units to work out and be easy to use, though, you'll want to utilize the following storage unit gear. Moving Blankets When moving furniture into a storage unit, there's always the chance of loosing your footing and scrapping the piece against the wall. Then, you're left with damage that could have easily been prevented if you would have just used moving blankets.

Tips for Safe, Long-Term Storage of a Large, Personal Library

As a book lover who is forced to store your personal library for the long-term in a rented storage unit, you are right to feel apprehensive about possible damage. Books that are incorrectly stored can become permanently damaged by mold and warping. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to ensure that your book collection will be safe while it is being stored, including each of these time-tested tips:

3 Ways to Save Money on Packaging When Moving

If you want to save money when you are moving next time, here are three easy ways that you can cut back costs. Used Boxes The biggest and easiest way to cut back on packing costs is to not purchase any boxes for your moves. Instead, gather up used boxes to use for your move ahead. Ask the business that you work at if they can save up any cardboard boxes that they get between now and your move and see if you can take them home.

How To Prepare A Plasma TV For Storage

Plasma TVs provide a great, high definition picture for your entertainment, and their low profile represents a much smaller investment of space than older CRT TVs. However, if you do need to save some space in your home or want to put your plasma TV into storage for a while during renovations or other home projects, you can rent a self-storage unit to store it. But, you must properly prepare a plasma TV for long-term storage in order to ensure that it does not become damaged and continues to provide a clear, crisp picture.